Confidence, or the lack of it, can be a major hurdle in improving your skiing. It could be that you’ve never done it before and you’re apprehensive about falling over or using the ski lift. You may already ski but your family, or partner, is so much better than you and they’re always waiting for you... Read more...
So, you’ve decided that you’re going to have a family ski holiday this winter and you start looking through the brochures – how can you afford to go, it is so expensive? By the time you’ve added your lift pass, ski hire and lessons to your accommodation, the cost is spiralling out of control... Read more...
I remember the first time we drove to the Alps in winter. A journey that was to take twenty-one hours. What we hadn’t planned for was our daughter being travel sick on the ferry, the freezing temperatures driving down France causing our windscreen washer to freeze... Read more...
We’ve all seen it, the first-time skier on day one of their holiday collecting their ski equipment from the hire shop. What size boots do I need? What length ski? What type of ski? What length poles? How do I get these boots on? Should I be wearing two pairs of socks? Read more...